Start Up Information


SCHOOL TOUR:  Our counsellors, along with our peer counsellors, will be hosting a tour for new students or those that are feeling anxious about their first day.  Tour will be Wednesday, August 28th at 9:30am.

Welcome back



At the beginning of each year, a $25 student activity fee will be collected from all students. The fee will cover such costs as speakers, student government, and various cultural and social activities.


Locks and lockers are the property of the school. Students will be assigned a lock and a locker at the start of the year. Lockers or locks may not be changed without permission from the main office. It is each student’s responsibility to keep lockers clean and tidy. Nothing permanent can be attached to a locker. Combinations should not be shared. Students may be billed $10 for damaged or missing locks at the end of the year. Report problems with locks or lockers to the main office.


Student Cards

All students will have a colour photograph taken for a student card, the yearbook (only published if media permission has been granted), and book/technology lending identification for the library staff. Photo Day is in early September and retakes will be in October.

Photo Packages

Students who wish to purchase a colour photo package may do so. For graduating students, there are sessions that the students book themselves online through the photographer later in the year – please note: IT IS FREE TO GET A CAP & GOWN PHOTO FOR THE YEARBOOK and students should book a time and get their photo taken regardless of whether they are ordering a package.


Students are responsible for the care and safety of all personal belongings. It is not wise to bring large sums of money or valuable items to school.

  • Electronic equipment, expensive jewellery, and other valuables should be left at home
  • Money, jewellery, clothing or other valuables should never be left unsecured in the P.E. changing rooms or in the gymnasiums. Locks may be brought from home to use for the one period each day a student has PE class. Locks left on PE lockers longer than that will be cut off as that is shared space for all PE students.
  • Money or valuables brought to school can be left in the office for safe keeping
  • Musical instruments and sports equipment are also the responsibility of the student
  • Do not leave backpacks or personal belongings unattended anywhere in the school

If you are a victim of theft, report the incident to the office staff immediately.