Inclusive Education Supports



Students with any concerns are urged to contact their advisor, the counsellors or an administrator.


Counsellors are able to assist students in a variety of ways. A counsellor is assigned to students based on the student’s last name but students can see either one on request. Counsellors are excellent at helping with academic issues, listening to personal or social problems, and providing information and suggestions. They can mediate conflicts that arise between students or with staff, consult with teachers, parents or the school administration. Counsellors also refer students to community and professional services when appropriate.

Students who want to talk with a counsellor should make an appointment through the counselling secretary. Students are urged to see a counsellor before the concern becomes a crisis. Counsellors are not involved in disciplining students and information shared with them is kept confidential. Parents are also encouraged to contact the counsellors.

International Education Teachers for English Language Learners (ELL)

The International Education Teacher works in partnership with the district international education program and supports those students who are new to learning English and are often from out of country. They provide support services with academic schoolwork and home-stay accommodation. They focus on strategies that honour cultural identity and encourage social and emotional growth.

Peer Counsellors

Peer Counsellors, who are trained to help fellow students with personal and school related problems, are available for all students at Kelsey. Students wishing to see a Peer Counsellor should speak to a counsellor.

Learning Assistance

The Inclusive Education Support Teachers and Educational Assistants (EAs) provide services to students with diverse academic needs. They work in partnership with the academic subject teachers and the school-based team (SBT) to support the diverse learning needs of students. EAs are distributed amongst classes on a needs basis to support those students with an IEP (individualized education plan) while in the classroom. There is also a learning assistance room used for pull-out, one-on-one support when required.

Resource Room

The Resource Teacher and specialized EAs support those students who have challenges with visual impairment, deafness or hard of hearing, or disorders that make regular classroom attendance and success difficult. There is a designated resource room used for supporting these more diverse learners.

Public Health Nurse

Students wishing to meet with our health nurse, who comes in on a scheduled day/time, may arrange an appointment through a counsellor or the Career Centre secretary.

Library Commons

Our Library Commons welcomes students and staff, both in person and online, throughout the school day. We strive to be open for at least a half hour before school starts and after it ends. The Teacher Librarian and the part-time library clerk are available in-house to help with almost anything anytime during the school day. We have a large selection of both fiction and non-fiction books, as well as manga, graphic novels, and magazines. We also have a large selection of audiobooks. There are laptops to borrow, and tech help is always available during school hours for connecting to the WIFI and printing.

Career Centre/ Work Experience

Check out the Career Centre for volunteer work opportunities on our job board, as well as post-secondary options such as dual credit courses and apprenticeship/trades information. Work Experience is available to all students in a variety of forms.