Attendance Procedures



**Personal visitors are not permitted in school district schools.

Regular school attendance is a legal requirement and a major factor in determining success. We ask parents to contact the school office at or at (250) 743-6916 (press “1”) as soon as possible to report any absences.

Extended Absence

While regular attendance is essential to achieving satisfactory progress, it is understood that on occasion, an unavoidable absence of several days can occur due to a family emergency, medical problem, illness, or injury. Because it is critical that students keep up with work, students should arrange with teachers and parents should inform the office.


Parents are to notify the office by calling the absence line or emailing the front desk. Students will then go to class once arriving at school and check in with their teacher. Students should be aware that unexcused lateness may have consequences.

Early Release  

Students who need to leave the school during the day must have permission from a parent/guardian prior to dismissal. Students must not leave the school before the regular dismissal times without signing out through the office staff.


Students who become ill during the school day should report to the office. A secretary will make arrangements for students to use the medical room, be driven home, or in the case of an emergency, taken to a doctor’s office or the hospital. Students wishing to go home must call for parent permission from the main office and the secretary will complete sign-out procedures. All accidents resulting in injury must be reported to a staff member immediately.



Students wanting to make a course change will work through their Advisor and Counsellor. Every effort will be made to complete the change before the course commences. Changes to programs are made for educational reasons only and require the approval of advisors, parents/guardians and/or an administrator of the school.


Students must complete a Course Withdrawal Form and it must be signed by parents, teacher, advisor, and counsellor. After a certain number of weeks, withdrawals from courses are not recommended.