Community Resources for Families in the Cowichan Valley
1. Public Health Nurse: The school health nurse is available in the medical room within the counselling centre of the school one day a week. Please book appointments through the Career Centre secretary. Students are also welcome to drop in for services that day. Confidential services include sex education and decision making, as well as access to counsellors, doctors and/or drug and alcohol support if requested.
The Margaret Moss Health Unit located at 675 Canada Avenue in Duncan provides services and has drop-in clinics. Students are welcome to contact them at 250-709-3050 with questions or to confirm open hours.
2. Child and Youth Mental Health Intake Clinics for Families in the Cowichan Region:
Call the office to confirm intake hours at 250-715-2725. Suite B, 161 Fourth Street, Duncan. No appointments required for first-time visitors. Older children and youth are encouraged to attend the intake clinic with their families. Youth have the option of attending the clinic on their own as a private self-referral.
3. CMS (Cobble Hill/Mill Bay/Shawnigan Lake) Food Bank Society provides food hampers for residents of Cobble Hill, Mill Bay and Shawnigan Lake every Tuesday 9:00am – 2:00pm and Thursday 9:00am – 11:00am. 2740 Lashburn Road, Mill Bay. 250-743-5242 or email cmsfoodbank@gmail.com to confirm open hours as they may fluctuate.
Cowichan Valley Basket Society distributes hampers Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday from 10am – 12:15. 5810 Garden Street, Duncan. 250-746-1566. Check the website to confirm open hours as they may fluctuate.
Nourish Cowichan provides food to public schools for breakfast and lunch programs and once a month hampers to families in need. You are welcome to contact your student’s advisor or the administration, or you can email directly to nourishcowichan@gmail.com
Hand in Hand Thrift Shop selling men’s and women’s clothing Friday 10:00 – 2:00 at St. John’s Anglican Church, 3295 Cobble Hill Road, Cobble Hill. 250-743-3095. Please phone to confirm open hours.
Salvation Army has a thrift store near our school. Please check the website for open hours.