014: Cowichan & Chemainus Valley's Sports Scholarship


2 awards valued at $750   (PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS YEAR ALL APPLICATIONS MUST BE EMAILED.   Students applying for this scholarship can email their applications packages to fksscounsellingsecretary@sd79.bc.ca    Deadline is Friday, March 8th          DOWNLOAD THE APPLICATION TO MAKE IT FILLABLE


Students, athletes, coaches or trainers wishing to compete for the Sports Scholarships must meet the following criteria:

  • Reside year round within School District #79.
  • Be registered in an organized local sport organization during a portion of the current school year in the Cowichan/Chemainus Valleys either as an athlete or sport official (i.e. referee, coach, trainer, or manager).
  • Apply the scholarship money within the end of this year in either sports related course, school, event, lessons or instructor fees rather than for a sport season registration fee or equipment costs.
  • Be an individual applicant and not a team applicant.

Application:  Use special application

2024 CCV Sport Scholarship - APPLICATION FULL fillable